40'000'000.- $ Gold-Reef gefunden

Freunde von uns haben bei ihrer letzten Suche vor ein paar Wochen ein 40'000'000.- AU$ Gold Reef gefunden. Leider bin ich und Rob erst beim nächsten Projekt dabei ;-(
Wir sind allerdings bereits mit denselben Leuten zusammen draussen im Bush und versuchen einen derartigen Fund zu wiederholen ;-)

Hier der original Text von der Titelseite der "Kalgoorlie Miner" Tageszeitung von gestern:

A syndicate of four local prospectors has found a $40 million pot of gold and wants to do a deal with a mining company.
About five months ago Dave Saggers, Fred Saunders and the owners of Natural Gold Nuggets and Jewellery, Ted and Lecky Mahoney, made a midnight trip east of Kalgoorlie-Boulder to peg a 350m by 150m patch of ground, near the Kanowna Belle gold mine.
They have called it Pot Luck.
With their ears to the ground, as all good prospectors should have, the group heard there was gold in the area which lies just 3km south of Kanowna Belle and 1km from the main road.
They realised the lease was due to expire, so acted quickly to secure it, but did not expect such an array of visible gold and rather exciting assay results. One sample returned 368.04g/t of gold and when it was re-sampled, 434.88 g/t.
“We didn’t think it would be that good, ” Mr Saggers said.
“But down to 20m depth we are estimating there is around $40m-plus sitting there now.
“And that’s without the copper.”
Assays have returned an average of 9g/t of copper across the site.
The geology is similar to the nearby Red Hill mine and the group believes the gold has formed in a rare mushroom structure.
They have already found more than eight veins along with mineral-rich boudins – sausage-like bulges in the veins – and stringers which are thin offshoots.
Holding samples of rare visible gold in porphyry and quartz, Mrs Mahoney wondered how the big mining companies had missed the deposit.
It seems the geology was originally documented as granite. “It was recorded incorrectly, ” she said.
Now companies, big or small, have the opportunity to snap up the prospective lease, all they have to do is leave the top 2m to the prospectors.
“The first 2m are very rich and that is what we are interested in, ” Mr Saggers said.
“There is alluvial gold so we can detect it with metal detectors. Then, for the deeper stuff, hopefully a mining company can come in.”
The group is already talking with interested parties, but is keen to keep all options open. Mr Saggers said he and his three mates wanted to keep the prospecting boom going.
“We’re the small people in between. You’ve got Kanowna Belle and all the big open cuts missing areas like this, ” he said.
“We just want to be able to keep our lifestyle and keep going out bush because that is what we love to do.”
Anyone interested in the project can contact the syndicate at the Natural Gold Nuggets and Jewellery shop on Hannan Street or phone 9021 5555.


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Unknown said...

Fred saunders is a greedy dog that wouldn't give u a penny to buy yourself something to eat.

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